Frame is a flexible moduel storage system for the activity based office that litteraly stands out. A play with light and shadows. There is only two modules in the system but these can still create great variation with change of color and materials.
The outer frame on the larger module creates a playful play with shadows and a sence of depth. Chose between a great variation of materials and colours.
Everything is about relationships: Shadow to light, surface to depth. The distance between us.
With a deeper meaning. Frame gives life to movement in storage. Create shadow play and dynamos with frames and modules where the square is the base. By combining different materials and colors, you can build voids, and create relationships.
Lightly chamfered edges, precisely joined corners, and high finish, contribute to an exclusive expression. But if you get really close, it is the surface you notice, among the shadows.
DISCIPLINES: Concept development, 3D Visualization, CAD Drawing